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Getting your priorities right

Effective advertising costs money. No two ways around it. Of course, effective advertising also generates a return and achieves results that are at least worth the amount of money spent.

If effective advertising costs money, we can say the reverse is also true, that spending less money on (effective) advertising costs results.

An effective media plan can lead to a deeper relationship between your organisation and your target audience. Only you can ascertain the value of the relationship and put a price on it, but we can help you walk the line between prioritising cost or placement because successful media planning needs to cater to both elements.

We place a huge emphasis on getting the most value for money out of a budget, but we see that value through a collection of factors, including efficacy and long term goals, and not simply money spent/saved columns. For instance, we would say that making sure adverts used in a campaign are highly targeted, both in terms of which media is used and how the message is communicated, offers truer value – as it can save money and generate results.

Having a budget, weighed off against goals and potential gains, is completely necessary for a campaign.

Clients, understandably, often have budgetary concerns at the forefront of their minds from day one. Having a budget, weighed off against goals and potential gains, is completely necessary for a campaign, but focusing solely on the budget can lead to the sacrifice of careful and considered media planning. It places short term goals in front of longer-term strategies and can get in the way of the success of that deeper relationship between brand and audience.

There is a tension at the heart of media planning and buying, reflected in the name. Planning leans to the long term and strategic, buying focuses a little more on direct, short-term negotiation. This tension lies at the heart of an effective media planning and buying operation, as neither can truly be successful without the other.

Need help getting value for money out of a your budget?

We place a huge emphasis on getting the most value for money out of a budget, so say Hello today and let us show you how.

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