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Get Your Copy Write

A breakdown of digital copy specifications.

With variations on so many different platforms, we thought we’d compose a list of the most common digital adverts and the recommended copy specifications for each.

Making it easier to keep your digital ad copy concise, clean, and effective.

Don't miss out on engagements because of bad ad copy.

Google Search

How it looks:

And here’s what happens when you exceed the character limit:

Beware the ellipsis...

Recommended Character Limits:

Headlines (3 max):

30 Characters


90 Characters

You can use one, two or three headlines – you don’t have to use all three every time. Utilise whatever suits your ad best!


(Single Image or Video)

Recommended Character Limits:


25 characters


125 characters

Link Description

30 Characters



Recommended Character Limits:


25 Characters


125 Characters


(Single Image or Video)

Recommended Character Limits:


125 Characters

All that’s needed for Instagram is a short description.

You can add more text below the fold if you need to, but the key message should be within the 125 character description.

Instagram works best when the advert text is clean and to the point (like most ads should be, but Instagram is particularly fond of this aesthetic).


Hashtags are not needed as promoted ads don’t show up in search.


LinkedIn Example

Recommended Character Limits:


70 Characters


125 Characters

LinkedIn has character recommendations, rather than limits (the same can be said for Facebook and Instagram – the amount you can fit into the description fields for both is much longer than the recommended). There is a grey area with LinkedIn in that the description copy may be truncated if the copy exceeds their recommended 70 character headlines and 100 character descriptions.

LinkedIn is accessed via desktop more often than other platforms (42% on LinkedIn compared to 1.9% on Facebook) so audiences are less likely to see truncated descriptions as desktop offers a little more space than mobile.

That being said the following is still LinkedIn’s recommendation so your ad-copy is multi-platform friendly.


Twitter Example

Recommended Character Limits:


70 Characters


280 Characters

Twitter has a maximum character limit of 280 for their body copy.

However, every link used costs 23 characters - so for any ad with a click-through link the effective character limit is 257.


Snap Example

Recommended Character Limits:

Headline/Brand Name:

25 Characters


34 Characters

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